Thursday, December 20, 2007

Thing #3: Playing with Flickr!

Idyll for a Hot Summer Day
Originally uploaded by MontanaRaven
Finally, I found another of the photos I'd selected: Idyll for a Hot Summer Day. Originally uploaded by MontanaRaven.

1 comment:

Willard Librarian said...

My former library tech was a great in-hammock reader. He has just moved off to continue his education at UCSC. So your blog title called out to me. And your fabulous photos of hammocks are making me wish I were in one right now. Well, since I am hammock-less, I will go curl up on the couch with my dog, a blanket, and a book. And read until my darling children leap upon me and demand more attention, or at least for me to read to them.
Thanks for the restful photos.