Thursday, December 20, 2007

Thing #3: Playing with Flickr!

Nags Head Nirvana
Originally uploaded by BOBXNC
Ha,Finally, I found another photo! Nags Head Nirvana by BOBXNC.

But I don't really like the photos showing up here in the middle of my Blog. I liked them better just on the side. I guess there's no way to move them once they're in the middle?

Excuse me for a bit while I go read in this hammock which is just calling to me......

1 comment:

Becca said...

Well, I can see you got your photo to appear at the side, but you can go in and remove this one in the middle of your blog if you wish. You might want to move your voice thread out of the right hand column and into your blog proper, as it doesn't seem to fit so it chops off half of the image. Seeing only half your face is a little disconcerting!